Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Shimmerspell Reviewed by Tiger's All-Consuming Books - B+

I contacted Tiger a couple weeks ago about reviewing Shimmerspell and she posted her review today. She gave it a B+. *Smiles* And her review was freaking awesome. Seriously, she explains the story better than I do lol. Has anyone else noticed that with their reviews?

Another reader reviewed it on Amazon and described it as a mix of genres: romance, action, mystery, and fairy-tale, which is a perfect description and one I could have never come up with on my own. I guess that's the curse of the crazy writer lol.

But anyway, here's the link to Tiger's review:
Tiger's All-Consuming Books - Shimmerspell

She also gave it 4 stars on Amazon and 3 on Goodreads. (I'm assuming the 3 was a mistake lol.) Tiger is a really nice book blogger by the way, and a fellow Alabamian. And I may be wrong, but by the look of her banner and pseudonym, I think we're both alumnae of the same school, Auburn University. Go Tigers!

**ETA: I just found out that Tishia from Paranormal Opinion has just posted her review as well. She gave it 3 stars, but the actual review was nice. She described the plot as original and exciting, with good characterization. Here's the link to that: Paranormal Opinion