Thursday, December 8, 2011


The final book in the Shimmer Trilogy is out now for $1.99!

Now that Jensen's dirty little secret is out, the King of the Seelie Court has ordered her capture. So if she wants to remain the master of her destiny, she must place her trust in an unexpected ally and do the one thing no one else has done before—locate Merlin's bones. Because in the game of Light versus Dark, whoever controls his bones, controls the fate of the Summer Kingdom.
Barnes & Noble
Pick up the complete trilogy for $3.49.
Barnes & Noble

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Death Whispers Review

So after a long break from reading/blogging/fun in general (worst decision ever), I finally finished Death Whispers by Tamara Rose Blodgett. And yes my friends, it was amazing. I don't usually go for books with male protags, but I lurved this one. It was definitely a fun read ... a little creepy (The kids have a thing for cemeteries), but fun. I don't want to give too much away, but it's basically about a group of kids who manifest powers after a government sanctioned vaccine. Their lives are pretty much determined for them depending on the talent they develop--Affinity for the dead, Empathy, Psychic Null, Pyrokenesis, etc. And as their talents become known, so does their potential for exploitation. Seriously, if our government could raise an army of zombies, what do you think they'd do with it?

But anyway, this was a meaty read at 9212 kindle locations. Mrs. Blodgett provided enough information to leave me satisfied, but held back just enough to leave me thirsting for more. And yep, I've already bought book #2, which should tell you just how much I enjoyed book #1.

So it goes without saying that I highly recommend Death Whispers. I just checked and it's still free on Amazon, so make sure to grab a copy while it lasts.

Also, the lovely Mrs. Blodgett is holding a contest right now for the name of Alex's love interest (nerdy kid in Death Series) as well as the title of the next book in the Savage Series. Winner gets a signed copy of Death Speaks and/or a copy of the third book in the Savage Series. How awesome is that? Check that out here---->

Missed you guys a ton. Update on the Shimmer Trilogy (Formerly The Faerie Tale Girl Series) coming soon.